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Bulk Code/ Wholesale
Wholesale collection cannot use any code‼️
Other product can use code when it with original price, not on sale ‼️
One order can only use one CODE!!!
Purchase from $500 worth of regular priced and
receive 15% off (Use Discount Code: C15)
Purchase from $1000
worth of regular priced and receive 20% off (Use Discount Code: C20)
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lashes on their salons or shops.
VIP Customers
1. The number of your order over 10 times, you will get 5% discount, the code: VIP1
2. The number of your order over 20 times, you will get 10% discount , the code: VIP2
3.The number of your order over 50 times, you will get 15% discount , the code: VIP3
1. Order account unlimited
2. Using times unlimited
3.You will get VIP gift every time you order
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