Struggle with colored lashes ? Here the tips

Coloured lashes is so beautiful ,and popular in eyelash extentions ,they deserved. We suggest customer try to choose coloured lashes.

Photo Credit @nafas.eyelashextension

Today we would like to share some tips for coloured lashes.

The first one , using transparent glue 

Clear glue is the best choice for coloured lashes .To make a bright and colourful set ,it is better to use clear glue , it is invisible. If you do not have clear glue in stock ,you can try our princess glue.

But if you want to use black glue ,you can choose some deep colour ,such as brown ,blue ,and using just a little glue ,and that can make a eyeliner effect.

The most important thing : Make sure the glue is correct.

Photo Credit @lashes by natalya mishnenkova

The second one , doing match with client’s eyes colour

For example ,if your clients have blue eyes, you can add some blue lashes in the outer corner ,to make the eyes bigger and brighter .If they have light brown eyes ,can choose brown lashes ,it seems more suitable than black lashes.

Photo Credit @lashes by natalya mishnenkova

Third one ,where do you place the coloured lashes

Actually ,we can see the bottom layer makes more visible ,It is a test of the technique of the lash artist ,the middle layer usually mixed with black lashes ,but also visible, the top layer is more invisible ,only they close the eyes you can see it clearly .

So what is the best place depend on what your clients want.

Photo Credit @aiylashed

Fourth one ,doing coloured mix

This is the test of colour testing ,we do not have any good suggestions for every one have their opinions. Usually the more usual choice is similar colour to do mix ,like pink with red ,blue with purple.

Photo Credit @leonlelashmaker

For more colour lashes ,just shop at

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